Mesquida Mora

Mesquida Mora Mesquida Mora thumb
Mesquida Mora Mesquida Mora thumb
Mesquida Mora Mesquida Mora thumb
Mesquida Mora Mesquida Mora thumb

It is the personal project of Bàrbara Mesquida Mora.

All of her vineyards are carried out by means of a biodynamic cultivation.

The Acrollam wines, Mallorca the other way around, are young and fresh wines, with a Mediterranean stamp.

Tripsol, which refers to the earth and Sòtil, which refers to the sky, are the red wines of Mesquida Mora, very different and complementary.

Her collection Sincronia are a breath of the refreshing Mediterranean breeze.

Address: Camí de Sant Joan

Location: Porreres (Illes Balears)  Postal code: 07260
